

We have done several projects locally and internationally, and equipped the entire hospitals, clinics and imaging centers. We offer them everything from A to Z such us: installation of the systems, providing them with support, maintenance, application training and warranty.

With optional GE Flashpad wireless detectors, FlashPad Specifications: Detector Size 41 cm x 41
cm, Active Matrix 2022 x 2022 pixels, Image Depth 14 BitPixel Pitch 200 microns, Typical Dynamic
Range 0.6 uR – 7.8 mR @ RQA5, Typical DQE 68% (@ 0lp and RQA5, per IEC 62220-1), (The
FlashPad wireless digital detector can be shared between, compatible GE x-ray systems. Good
investment in the future}. Excellent physical condition.

Gantry, Generator, 24x31cm Detector (2016), X-ray Tube (2021), DICOM, Automatic Exposure
Acquisition Console, Lead Glass Shield, High Frequency Single-phase Power Supply High Frequency
Generator and Conditioner, Collimator, Face Shield 24x31 Bucky with Grid, Standard Paddle Set.
Motorized Tomosynthesis Device/MTD Trolley (2016), Breast Tomosynthesis Senoclaire Computer
(2016), Phantom, Backup Software

GSP C-ArmTested and fully functional, General Surgical Platform, 9 Inch
Image Intensifier, Dynamic Range Management, Dual Articulating Flat Screen monitors, Integrated
keyboard Touchpad, DICOM 3.0, 1kx1kx16 bit Digital Image Processing, Noise Filter, Real-time
Variable DRM Enhancement, Negate Mode, Automatic and Manual Contrast Brightness Control,
Last Image Hold, Dose Area Product (DAP), X-Ray 15kW Generator, X-Ray Tube: 1.6 MHU
Located in the Midwest 
Available Now

Flat detector (FD), Imagen Storage 150.000 images, Image resolution: 1 K². Data transfer
LAN/WLAN/USB/DVD, Multifunctional C-Arm, Advance connectivity, and archiving, 
Located South Central US
Available NOW (reach out for video of system fully functional)

Software NUMARIS/4 Version syngo MR B19 DHHS 18 Channel
Software: COEM VE10K_SL05P05syngo,
(SP1)N4_VB19A_LATEST_20121201_P13, (SP2)N4_VB19A_LATEST_20130827_P19
(SP3)N4_VB19A_FEATURE_20140424_SH07_F3 (SH07)N4_OU_02_SYNGO_VX91C (OU02)
System Console syngo. Acquisition Workplace Hardware, KODAK8700 (Printer DICOM)hc printer
(Printer PS), SQ Engine Tim [76x18], Type of Receiver Boards PCI_RX16, Number of Receiver
Boards 2, Transmitter TRA3, Gradient Power Amplifier K2259/2000V/650A, Gradient Coil AS05,
Stimulation Monitor SAFE MODEL SAR guide line IECRFPA K2204, Advanced SHIM Option Installed,
PMU Installed Patient Table K2253_BASIC, Patient Table Range 2100, Cooling System CHILLER
MSUP Type K2256 (10118361 / 10142046 / 3861296 / 7758209) Coldhead Compressor Sumitomo
F70, Inline Image Filter enabled Coils Body Matrix, CP Breast Array CP Flex Large CP Flex Small
Head Matrix Knee, Neck Matrix PA Matrix feet Shoulder Spine Matrix Wrist Invivo

Located Midwest, USMRI’s

2020 tube with 239k SS, VB42B SW Level,XR29 Compliant, SW options to follow,
System is exceptionally clean.
Located West Coast, US
Available June 2022

Tube 2019 Hercules (Approx. 30mill Mass), Console GE 6.6 AIO, ASIR, Connect Pro, Smart Prep,
Direct MPR, Data Export, 3000 Image, AutomA, Copy Composer, Neuro Filter, AutoFilter &
Transfer, Patient 64 slice, VCT85KW, CardlQ Snapshot Cine, CardlQ Snapshot, SmartCore Pro,

Volume Viewer, Sub 0.4 second Scan, EKG Viewer, Noise Reduction Filter, Dynamic Z Axis Tracking,
Table GT2000 (long).
Located Southcentral, US
Available Now

COLD in 100” Calumet Trailer No Graphics F2000 Magnet Cold, Gradients Copley 234 Copley,
Software 11.1 Level 4, COILS: Synergy Spine Coil, Head Coil, Knee Coil, C1, C3, C4, Synergy Body,
SHNC A/P, was under Philips Service – 85% Cryogens , Trailer in very good condition DOT inspected
and road ready.

Coils: Brain, CTL, NV, Body, knee, Breast, cardiac.Options: ARC, 3D ASL, Asset,Blood Flow & Vol.
Meas, Bloodsupp, Bravo, Breast2, BrainStat AIF, CINE, EPI, Cosmic, Cube 3D Dual Echo, Delayed
Enhanced, 3D Delayed Enhanced DWI EPI, E3DTOF Fastcine, FGE, Fiesta 2D 3D, 2D FatSat Fiesta 3D
FatSat Fiesta Fiesta -C Flair 3D & EPI, 3DFRFSE, FSE Flair, FSE_XL Fluoro-Triggered MRA TOF
Modality WL, IDEAL, iDrive & Pro Lava, Lava-DE & XV, 2D & 3D mege Multi-echo FGRE Multi-
Nuclear Spectroscopy Multi-Phase, Navigator Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Fgret Performed
Procedure Step Probe 3D Brain, Probe 2000 Upgrade Propeller DW Propeller, T1 & T2 Flair
Propeller, T2 Propeller Probe 3D Prostate, QuickSTEP, Research PSD iDrive Pro Plus, Fgret Real
Time, Smart Prep, Special, Spectroscopy/Probe SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted Angiography,
T2Map Diffusion Tensor, 3 Plane Localizer Time Course MRTouch Fiber Trak, Tricks, 16 Channel

Table GE LUNAR PRODIGY June 2003, Tube Lunar 8743 Oct 2011, 76 KV High Voltage Age Power
Supply 7681 , Collimator 8915 , X-RAY Controller Assy 7635, Step Phantom, Arm Assy, Black
Phantom, Software, Computer, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse

The refurbished GE Logiq E9 with XDclear 2.0 is GE’s second revision of the popular Logiq E9
premium general purpose radiology ultrasound machines. Among the more popular radiology
machines, the Logiq E9 2.0 presents among the best value and cutting-edge technology in
ultrasounds today. As a premium shared service ultrasound machine, the GE Logiq E9 2.0 price can
vary greatly due to its various configurations. In particular, later models that include XDClear
technology will be more costly, yet still very reasonable in price. The GE Logiq E9 2.0 and its
previous version, GE Logiq E9, are similar systems with each featuring its single crystal probe
technology that provides outstanding image resolution. XDClear technology provides compatibility
with single-crystal probes, which has a dramatic and powerful impact on image resolution. The GE
Logiq E9 with XDclear 2.0 adds the transducers C2-7-D, C2-7VN-D, C3-10-D, and L3-9i-D that are
improved versions of previous transducers on the Logiq E9.

LUNAR DPX-NT BONE DENS Table Lunar DPX-NT X-Ray Tube Lunar, Model 8297, H.V Power Supply
Positive, 0312 Feb 2000 H.V Power Supply Negative, 0311 SOFTWARE Black Phantom Workstation
Cart Computer OMNI Tech, Model OEM, 8000001BX, Leg Support Printer H/P DeskJet 880C,
MY93H192XH Monitor Hitachi Color Display CM640U

Yom: 2011 3D/4D, 2 probes (4D RAB4-8-RS, virginal E8C-RS)

water cooled, 2017 Tube with only 20k scan seconds less than 500,000 total scan seconds
lso detector, volume workflow, extended fov, pet appl, ct app main, cap 3d main cap 3d rotating
mip, dual mon, nmg-cd viewer, cap 3d multi mon ct app filter mip, cap true d, cap true d main, cap
true d voimode, cap true d filter ssd cap true d filter mip, cap true d filter vrt, cap true d fusion
base cap true d fusion lm, cap true d fusion clip view, cap true d rotating mip, cap true d multi
mon, definition as, 64 slice care dose adjust, care dose, pet hi rez, pet osem 3d, pet cardiac, true d
basic voltage 70 kw

2017 New Performix tube with +/- 24,577,288.Mas seconds. System has 2D, 3D, 4D Acquisition
modes. Reconstruction time in 2D mode is 2D VUE Point (ML-OSEM IL-RSAC) 25 seconds.
Reconstruction time in 3D mode is 3D VUE Point (ML-OSEM IL-RSAC) 125 seconds. Event transfer
rate is 10m events/seconds. Simultaneous acquisition/processing. Measured and automated
scatter correction, Correction for contrast in patient, WLS Weighted List Square reconstruction.
Software Version: dm09_HL2_SP1. Has 10,080 individual crystals. Detector material is BGO. 280
quad PMT's.
Scanner Installed Options: Patient 16 Slice, Power 440, Smart Speed, 90kVa, Direct 3D, Smart Prep,
Direct MPR, Noise Reduction Filter, SmartScore Pro, Connect Pro, Exam Split, EKG Viewer,
AutoMA, 3000 Image Series, Data Export, Copy Composer, Volume Viewer, PET Cardiac Review,
PET Dynamic Review, PET 2D, PET Base, RAD_Rx, PET 3D Interative Recon, PET List Mode, PET
Cardiac, WideView, PET Cardiac Shift, ACQC. PET Software: PET Applications, cjmMain, CTAC

Server, PRM Server. SubSystem Status: PAR, Raptor, Table, Crystal Type: BGO 6x6. CT Scan
Parameters are: 0.5 sub seconds, 0.6, up to 4.0 seconds. PET performance 2D at 84 kcps @49
kBq/cc PET Performace 3D at 63 kcps @12kBq/cc. Two (2) Color Monitors.

Elevating Table, Wall Bucky, Generator, Fuji D-Evo DR Upgrade with 17 x 17 DR Plate, Fuji CR
reader carbon XL 2.

Gantry, Generator, 24x31cm Detector (2017), X-ray Tube DICOM, Automatic Exposure, Acquisition
Console Lead Glass Shield, High Frequency Single-phase Power Supply High Frequency Generator
and Conditioner, Collimator, Face Shield, 24x31 Bucky with Grid, Standard Paddle Set, Motorized
Tomosynthesis Device/MTD Trolley, Breast Tomosynthesis Senoclaire Computer, Phantom, Backup

With optional GE Flashpad wireless detectors, FlashPad Specifications: Detector Size 41 cm x 41cm, Active Matrix 2022 x 2022 pixels, Image Depth 14 BitPixel Pitch 200 microns, Typical DynamicRange 0.6 uR – 7.8 mR @ RQA5, Typical DQE 68% (@ 0lp and RQA5, per IEC 62220-1), (TheFlashPad wireless digital detector can be shared between, compatible GE x-ray systems. Goodinvestment in the future}. Excellent physical condition.
Gantry, Generator, 24x31cm Detector (2016), X-ray Tube (2021), DICOM, Automatic ExposureAcquisition Console, Lead Glass Shield, High Frequency Single-phase Power Supply High FrequencyGenerator and Conditioner, Collimator, Face Shield 24x31 Bucky with Grid, Standard Paddle Set.Motorized Tomosynthesis Device/MTD Trolley (2016), Breast Tomosynthesis Senoclaire Computer(2016), Phantom, Backup Software
GSP C-ArmTested and fully functional, General Surgical Platform, 9 InchImage Intensifier, Dynamic Range Management, Dual Articulating Flat Screen monitors, Integratedkeyboard Touchpad, DICOM 3.0, 1kx1kx16 bit Digital Image Processing, Noise Filter, Real-timeVariable DRM Enhancement, Negate Mode, Automatic and Manual Contrast Brightness Control,Last Image Hold, Dose Area Product (DAP), X-Ray 15kW Generator, X-Ray Tube: 1.6 MHULocated in the Midwest Available Now
Flat detector (FD), Imagen Storage 150.000 images, Image resolution: 1 K². Data transferLAN/WLAN/USB/DVD, Multifunctional C-Arm, Advance connectivity, and archiving, Located South Central USAvailable NOW (reach out for video of system fully functional)
Software NUMARIS/4 Version syngo MR B19 DHHS 18 ChannelSoftware: COEM VE10K_SL05P05syngo,VX91C_SL02P08_RM05N4_VB19A_LATEST_20121201MR_MR038-13-R_N4SecU0022_revBN4_VB19A_LATEST_20121201_P1N4_VB19A_LATEST_20121201_P5(SP1)N4_VB19A_LATEST_20121201_P13, (SP2)N4_VB19A_LATEST_20130827_P19(SP3)N4_VB19A_FEATURE_20140424_SH07_F3 (SH07)N4_OU_02_SYNGO_VX91C (OU02)License CIS SUMMITCIS SUMMITSystem Console syngo. Acquisition Workplace Hardware, KODAK8700 (Printer DICOM)hc printer(Printer PS), SQ Engine Tim [76x18], Type of Receiver Boards PCI_RX16, Number of ReceiverBoards 2, Transmitter TRA3, Gradient Power Amplifier K2259/2000V/650A, Gradient Coil AS05,Stimulation Monitor SAFE MODEL SAR guide line IECRFPA K2204, Advanced SHIM Option Installed,PMU Installed Patient Table K2253_BASIC, Patient Table Range 2100, Cooling System CHILLERMSUP Type K2256 (10118361 / 10142046 / 3861296 / 7758209) Coldhead Compressor SumitomoF70, Inline Image Filter enabled Coils Body Matrix, CP Breast Array CP Flex Large CP Flex SmallHead Matrix Knee, Neck Matrix PA Matrix feet Shoulder Spine Matrix Wrist Invivo Located Midwest, USMRI’s
2020 tube with 239k SS, VB42B SW Level,XR29 Compliant, SW options to follow,System is exceptionally clean.Located West Coast, USAvailable June 2022
Tube 2019 Hercules (Approx. 30mill Mass), Console GE 6.6 AIO, ASIR, Connect Pro, Smart Prep,Direct MPR, Data Export, 3000 Image, AutomA, Copy Composer, Neuro Filter, AutoFilter &Transfer, Patient 64 slice, VCT85KW, CardlQ Snapshot Cine, CardlQ Snapshot, SmartCore Pro, Volume Viewer, Sub 0.4 second Scan, EKG Viewer, Noise Reduction Filter, Dynamic Z Axis Tracking,Table GT2000 (long).Located Southcentral, USAvailable Now
COLD in 100” Calumet Trailer No Graphics F2000 Magnet Cold, Gradients Copley 234 Copley,Software 11.1 Level 4, COILS: Synergy Spine Coil, Head Coil, Knee Coil, C1, C3, C4, Synergy Body,SHNC A/P, was under Philips Service – 85% Cryogens , Trailer in very good condition DOT inspectedand road ready.
Coils: Brain, CTL, NV, Body, knee, Breast, cardiac.Options: ARC, 3D ASL, Asset,Blood Flow & Vol.Meas, Bloodsupp, Bravo, Breast2, BrainStat AIF, CINE, EPI, Cosmic, Cube 3D Dual Echo, DelayedEnhanced, 3D Delayed Enhanced DWI EPI, E3DTOF Fastcine, FGE, Fiesta 2D 3D, 2D FatSat Fiesta 3DFatSat Fiesta Fiesta -C Flair 3D & EPI, 3DFRFSE, FSE Flair, FSE_XL Fluoro-Triggered MRA TOFModality WL, IDEAL, iDrive & Pro Lava, Lava-DE & XV, 2D & 3D mege Multi-echo FGRE Multi-Nuclear Spectroscopy Multi-Phase, Navigator Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Fgret PerformedProcedure Step Probe 3D Brain, Probe 2000 Upgrade Propeller DW Propeller, T1 & T2 FlairPropeller, T2 Propeller Probe 3D Prostate, QuickSTEP, Research PSD iDrive Pro Plus, Fgret RealTime, Smart Prep, Special, Spectroscopy/Probe SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted Angiography,T2Map Diffusion Tensor, 3 Plane Localizer Time Course MRTouch Fiber Trak, Tricks, 16 ChannelSystem
Table GE LUNAR PRODIGY June 2003, Tube Lunar 8743 Oct 2011, 76 KV High Voltage Age PowerSupply 7681 , Collimator 8915 , X-RAY Controller Assy 7635, Step Phantom, Arm Assy, BlackPhantom, Software, Computer, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse
The refurbished GE Logiq E9 with XDclear 2.0 is GE’s second revision of the popular Logiq E9premium general purpose radiology ultrasound machines. Among the more popular radiologymachines, the Logiq E9 2.0 presents among the best value and cutting-edge technology inultrasounds today. As a premium shared service ultrasound machine, the GE Logiq E9 2.0 price canvary greatly due to its various configurations. In particular, later models that include XDCleartechnology will be more costly, yet still very reasonable in price. The GE Logiq E9 2.0 and itsprevious version, GE Logiq E9, are similar systems with each featuring its single crystal probetechnology that provides outstanding image resolution. XDClear technology provides compatibilitywith single-crystal probes, which has a dramatic and powerful impact on image resolution. The GELogiq E9 with XDclear 2.0 adds the transducers C2-7-D, C2-7VN-D, C3-10-D, and L3-9i-D that areimproved versions of previous transducers on the Logiq E9.
LUNAR DPX-NT BONE DENS Table Lunar DPX-NT X-Ray Tube Lunar, Model 8297, H.V Power SupplyPositive, 0312 Feb 2000 H.V Power Supply Negative, 0311 SOFTWARE Black Phantom WorkstationCart Computer OMNI Tech, Model OEM, 8000001BX, Leg Support Printer H/P DeskJet 880C,MY93H192XH Monitor Hitachi Color Display CM640U
Yom: 2011 3D/4D, 2 probes (4D RAB4-8-RS, virginal E8C-RS)
water cooled, 2017 Tube with only 20k scan seconds less than 500,000 total scan secondslso detector, volume workflow, extended fov, pet appl, ct app main, cap 3d main cap 3d rotatingmip, dual mon, nmg-cd viewer, cap 3d multi mon ct app filter mip, cap true d, cap true d main, captrue d voimode, cap true d filter ssd cap true d filter mip, cap true d filter vrt, cap true d fusionbase cap true d fusion lm, cap true d fusion clip view, cap true d rotating mip, cap true d multimon, definition as, 64 slice care dose adjust, care dose, pet hi rez, pet osem 3d, pet cardiac, true dbasic voltage 70 kw
2017 New Performix tube with +/- 24,577,288.Mas seconds. System has 2D, 3D, 4D Acquisitionmodes. Reconstruction time in 2D mode is 2D VUE Point (ML-OSEM IL-RSAC) 25 seconds.Reconstruction time in 3D mode is 3D VUE Point (ML-OSEM IL-RSAC) 125 seconds. Event transferrate is 10m events/seconds. Simultaneous acquisition/processing. Measured and automatedscatter correction, Correction for contrast in patient, WLS Weighted List Square reconstruction.Software Version: dm09_HL2_SP1. Has 10,080 individual crystals. Detector material is BGO. 280quad PMT's.Scanner Installed Options: Patient 16 Slice, Power 440, Smart Speed, 90kVa, Direct 3D, Smart Prep,Direct MPR, Noise Reduction Filter, SmartScore Pro, Connect Pro, Exam Split, EKG Viewer,AutoMA, 3000 Image Series, Data Export, Copy Composer, Volume Viewer, PET Cardiac Review,PET Dynamic Review, PET 2D, PET Base, RAD_Rx, PET 3D Interative Recon, PET List Mode, PETCardiac, WideView, PET Cardiac Shift, ACQC. PET Software: PET Applications, cjmMain, CTAC Server, PRM Server. SubSystem Status: PAR, Raptor, Table, Crystal Type: BGO 6x6. CT ScanParameters are: 0.5 sub seconds, 0.6, up to 4.0 seconds. PET performance 2D at 84 kcps @49kBq/cc PET Performace 3D at 63 kcps @12kBq/cc. Two (2) Color Monitors.
Elevating Table, Wall Bucky, Generator, Fuji D-Evo DR Upgrade with 17 x 17 DR Plate, Fuji CRreader carbon XL 2.
Gantry, Generator, 24x31cm Detector (2017), X-ray Tube DICOM, Automatic Exposure, AcquisitionConsole Lead Glass Shield, High Frequency Single-phase Power Supply High Frequency Generatorand Conditioner, Collimator, Face Shield, 24x31 Bucky with Grid, Standard Paddle Set, MotorizedTomosynthesis Device/MTD Trolley, Breast Tomosynthesis Senoclaire Computer, Phantom, BackupSoftware