

We have done several projects locally and internationally, and equipped the entire hospitals, clinics and imaging centers. We offer them everything from A to Z such us: installation of the systems, providing them with support, maintenance, application training and warranty.

Table GE LUNAR PRODIGY June 2003, Tube Lunar 8743 Oct 2011, 76 KV High Voltage Age Power
Supply 7681 , Collimator 8915 , X-RAY Controller Assy 7635, Step Phantom, Arm Assy, Black
Phantom, Software, Computer, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse

LUNAR DPX-NT BONE DENS Table Lunar DPX-NT X-Ray Tube Lunar, Model 8297, H.V Power Supply
Positive, 0312 Feb 2000 H.V Power Supply Negative, 0311 SOFTWARE Black Phantom Workstation
Cart Computer OMNI Tech, Model OEM, 8000001BX, Leg Support Printer H/P DeskJet 880C,
MY93H192XH Monitor Hitachi Color Display CM640U

Table GE LUNAR PRODIGY June 2003, Tube Lunar 8743 Oct 2011, 76 KV High Voltage Age PowerSupply 7681 , Collimator 8915 , X-RAY Controller Assy 7635, Step Phantom, Arm Assy, BlackPhantom, Software, Computer, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse
LUNAR DPX-NT BONE DENS Table Lunar DPX-NT X-Ray Tube Lunar, Model 8297, H.V Power SupplyPositive, 0312 Feb 2000 H.V Power Supply Negative, 0311 SOFTWARE Black Phantom WorkstationCart Computer OMNI Tech, Model OEM, 8000001BX, Leg Support Printer H/P DeskJet 880C,MY93H192XH Monitor Hitachi Color Display CM640U