

We have done several projects locally and internationally, and equipped the entire hospitals, clinics and imaging centers. We offer them everything from A to Z such us: installation of the systems, providing them with support, maintenance, application training and warranty.

2015 GE 1.5T 23x MRI 16 Channel Mobile MRI

Coils: Brain, CTL, NV, Body, knee, Breast, cardiac.Options: ARC, 3D ASL, Asset,Blood Flow & Vol.
Meas, Bloodsupp, Bravo, Breast2, BrainStat AIF, CINE, EPI, Cosmic, Cube 3D Dual Echo, Delayed
Enhanced, 3D Delayed Enhanced DWI EPI, E3DTOF Fastcine, FGE, Fiesta 2D 3D, 2D FatSat Fiesta 3D
FatSat Fiesta Fiesta -C Flair 3D & EPI, 3DFRFSE, FSE Flair, FSE_XL Fluoro-Triggered MRA TOF
Modality WL, IDEAL, iDrive & Pro Lava, Lava-DE & XV, 2D & 3D mege Multi-echo FGRE Multi-
Nuclear Spectroscopy Multi-Phase, Navigator Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Fgret Performed
Procedure Step Probe 3D Brain, Probe 2000 Upgrade Propeller DW Propeller, T1 & T2 Flair
Propeller, T2 Propeller Probe 3D Prostate, QuickSTEP, Research PSD iDrive Pro Plus, Fgret Real
Time, Smart Prep, Special, Spectroscopy/Probe SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted Angiography,
T2Map Diffusion Tensor, 3 Plane Localizer Time Course MRTouch Fiber Trak, Tricks, 16 Channel